02 - Standardized Terms

02 - Standardized Terms

Universal Migrator facilitates migrations between many systems.  As you look at the data between systems, you may find that records and labels vary from one system to another but their function remains the same.  In situations like this, Universal Migrator will standardize certain labels/fields so that you can easily work with them between systems.

Matter Participating/Originating User Roles

Different systems have different roles for users that are associated to matters.  When Universal Migrator backs up these roles, it will standardize them based on the meaning/usage of the role in the legacy system.


Universal Role Meaning / Usage
Originating Attorney The attorney who brought the matter to the firm.  Often associated origination credits.
Supervising Attorney An attorney who will do little, if any, work on the matter but has an important supervisory role.
Responsible Attorney The attorney who will actually be doing most of the work on the matter.
Assisting Attorney A backup/assisting/secondary attorney who might have work delegated to them from the responsible attorney.


For example, a legacy system might have an "Introducing Attorney" which has the same meaning/usage as the Universal "Originating Attorney".  When that record is backed-up, the label will change to the Universal role.

Some systems may have roles that share the same label as a Universal Role but have a different meaning.  For example, a different legacy system may track a "Responsible Attorney" who supervises a case and an "Acting Attorney" who does a majority of the work on a case.  Because Universal Migrator standardizes based on meaning/usage, in this example, Responsible Attorney would map to Supervising Attorney and Acting Attorney would map to Responsible Attorney.

Custom Fields

As it relates to custom fields, there are four tables that work with each other.  The definitions below will help you understand how everything is connected.

Custom Field Categories These are groupings/categories of custom field definitions.  For example, you might have a "Family Law" category that contains a Husband and Wife field.
Custom Field Definitions

These represent the creation of the field itself.  As an example, Custom Field Definitions essentially state the following:

"Matters may have a custom field named Husband that is a contact-picklist."

"Matters may have a custom field named Date of Separation that is a Date"

"Contacts may have a custom field named Gender which is a custom picklist".

Custom Field Options

These represent custom picklist options for different definitions.  An example would be:

"The Gender custom field definition has two option: Male, Female"

Custom Field Values

These tie everything together.  They link an Object and a Definition with a Value.  An example would be:

"On Matter ABC.001, the Husband custom field is linked to John Smith"

"On Matter ABC.001, the Date of Separation custom field has a value of 2022-05-09".

"On Contact John Smith, the Gender custom field has a value of Male"

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