01 - Tweaking a Restore

01 - Tweaking a Restore

Sometimes after restoring a backup, a customer may want you to tweak the data that is in their new system.
Tweaking data post-restore is easy!

Let's say that the customer wants you to "mark as complete" all tasks that are related to archived (closed) matters.  Here's what you'll do:

Add the Script to your Playbook and Run It

First, write the script to apply the tweaks you want.  You can use a script like this as a template:
  1. If a task is related to an archived matter, mark it as complete
In your script, make sure to update the records so that the ones you are changing have the lowest Batch_Number.

Launch Universal Restore

Open Universal Migrator and choose the Universal Restor option that you want.

Apply the Tweaks

On the restore screen, do the following:
  1. Uncheck all options
  2. Re-Check the option that matches the table that has the data you want to tweak
  3. Uncheck Restore New Records
  4. Check Tweak Existing Records
  5. Click Next

How Tweaks Work

When Universal Migrator tweaks a record, it sends the necessary commands to the destination system to make the record match what is in the backup.  It is important to remember that Universal Migrator will ensure that all the columns match the backup and not just the one you just adjusted.  For example, if a customer had manually edited the description for one of the tasks that we tweaked, applying the tweak will reset the record so it matches what is in the backup.

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