Action Step: Preparing for Data Restore

Action Step: Preparing for Data Restore

When performing an injection into ActionStep, there are a few caveats you should be aware of.

Data Validation Nuances

Matter Validations

All matters must be assigned a practice area prior to restoring data into the new system. Any matters that do not have a valid practice area assigned will not transfer.

Task Validations

ActionStep requires that all tasks be assigned to a matter.  Because of this, any tasks that do not have a valid matter assigned will not transfer.  Please ensure all tasks are assigned a matter prior to restoring into the new system. All tasks should be assigned a valid due date prior to the injection.  Tasks that do not have a valid due date will default to either the task's completion date or 1901-01-01.

Financial Data Validations

ActionStep requires that all time, expenses, and fees be assigned to a matter.  Because of this, any activities that do not have a valid matter assigned will not transfer.  Please ensure all activities are assigned a matter prior to restoring data into the new system.  

Manual Data Restore

Certain ActionStep API endpoints allow data to be retrieved but not created.  Because of this, some records will need to be manually created, but after they are created, the Universal Migrator will be able to detect them and use them.

Practice Areas (Action Types)

The Action Step API allows practice areas (Action Types) to be retrieved but not created.
Because of this, you will need to manually create these records and then use the Universal Migrator to automatically link to the existing records.
To do this, first run this query against your universal database to get a listing of practice areas that should be created:
  1. SELECT Final_Subject FROM __M_PracticeAreas

For each item on the list, you should create an Action Type whose name exactly matches one on the list.  When you use the Universal Migrator to inject Practice Areas, instead of them being added into Action Step, they will be linked to the existing Action Types you just created.


The ActionStep API allows users to be directly injected into the system.  After Universal Migrator injects users, it will initially create them only as a contact.  After the users are created, you should log into ActionStep and promote the contacts into actual user account. 

Default Matter Participant Types

For each practice area, you must assign the Client, Responsible_Lawyer, and Other_Contact participant types.

The ActionStep API allows participant types to be retrieved but not created.  Because of this, you will need to manually create these records and then use the Universal Migrator to automatically link to the existing records.
To do this, first run this query against your universal database to determine a listing of all unique participant types 
  2. V3.Final_Subject as 'Practice Area',
  3. V1.Final_Role
  4. FROM
  5. __M_Matters_Participating_Contacts V1,
  6. __M_Matters V2,
  7. __M_PracticeAreas V3
  8. WHERE 1=1
  9. AND V1.Final_Matter_Id = V2.Id
  10. AND V2.Final_PracticeArea_Id = V3.Id
  11. ORDER BY
  12. V3.Final_Subject

For each item on the list, you should create a participant type that exactly matches the listed role and assign it to the specified practice area.

Custom Participant Types for Matter Originations

The ActionStep API allows participant types to be retrieved but not created.  Because of this, you will need to manually create these records and then use the Universal Migrator to automatically link to the existing records.
To do this, first run this query against your universal database to determine a listing of all unique participant types
  2. V3.Final_Subject,
  3. V1.Final_Role
  4. FROM
  5. __M_Matters_Originating_Users V1,
  6. __M_Matters V2,
  7. __M_PracticeAreas V3
  8. WHERE 1=1
  9. AND V1.Final_Matter_Id = V2.Id
  10. AND V2.Final_PracticeArea_Id = V3.Id

  12. V3.Final_Subject,
  13. V1.Final_Role
  14. FROM
  15. __M_Matters_Participating_Users V1,
  16. __M_Matters V2,
  17. __M_PracticeAreas V3
  18. WHERE 1=1
  19. AND V1.Final_Matter_Id = V2.Id
  20. AND V2.Final_PracticeArea_Id = V3.Id

For each item on the list, you should create a participant type that exactly matches the listed role and assign it to the specified practice area.

Matter Participants

When Matter Participants are imported, only participants that have a valid participant type that is assigned to the appropriate practice area will be imported.  This means that the value specified in the __M_Matters_Participating_Contacts's Final_Role column must be available as a participant type for the matter.
If the Final_Role column is blank, the Other_Contact role will be utilized if it is available to that practice area.
In order to ensure the best outcome, the Other_Contact participant type should be assigned to all practice areas prior to the migration. 

Outstanding Balances 

The Action Step API does not allow outstanding balances to be retrieved or created.
Because of this, you will need to run a manual query against the Universal database and manually add these records into ActionStep.
The following query may assist you in that process:
  2. V1.Id as 'Matter_Id', V1.Final_ReferenceCode as 'Matter_DisplayNumber', V1.Final_Description as 'Matter_Description',
  3. V2.Id as 'Invoice_Id', V2.Final_Due_At as 'Invoice_Date_Due', V2.Final_ReferenceCode as 'Invoice_Number', V2.Final_Total as 'Invoice_Total', V2.Final_Outstanding as 'Invoice_Outstanding',
  4. (SELECT SUM(Final_Total_Override) FROM __M_Activities_Time WHERE Final_Invoice_Id = V2.Id) AS 'Time_Total',
  5. (SELECT SUM(Final_Total_Override) FROM __M_Activities_Expenses WHERE Final_Invoice_Id = V2.Id) AS 'Expenses_Total',
  6. (SELECT SUM(Final_Total_Override) FROM __M_Activities_Fees WHERE Final_Invoice_Id = V2.Id) ASD 'Fees_Total'
  7. FROM
  8. __M_Matters V1,
  9. __M_Invoices V2,
  10. __M_Invoices_Related_Matters V3
  11. WHERE 1=1
  12. AND V2.Final_Outstanding != 0
  13. AND V3.Final_Matter_Id = V1.Id
  14. AND V3.Final_Invoice_Id = V2.Id
  15. ORDER BY V1.Id, V2.Id

Trust Account Balances

The Action Step API does not allow trust account balances to be retrieved or created.
Because of this, you will need to run a manual query against the Universal database and manually add these records into ActionStep.
The following query may assist you in that process:
  2. V1.Final_Account as 'Account_Name', V1.Final_Description as 'Account_Description', V1.Final_Amount as 'Account_Balance',
  3. V2.Final_ReferenceCode as 'Matter_DisplayNumber', V2.Final_Description as 'Matter_Description'
  4. FROM
  5. __M_TrustBalances_Matters V1,
  6. __M_Matters V2
  7. WHERE V1.Final_Matter_Id = V2.Id


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