Universal Migrator: Activating your License

Universal Migrator: Activating your License

This article will walk you through the process of activating your Universal Migrator license.
Please only perform these instructions on the specific computer that you wish to use the Universal Migrator on.  
License codes are not transferable between computers.

Open Universal Migrator and Click I Agree

Click Activate 

1. Click 1. Copy Your Activation Request to ClipboardThis will put an alphanumeric activation code in your clipboard that you'll use in step 3 of this article.
2. Click 2. Send Us Your Activation Request. This will open a browser window with Activation Request Form.

3.Fill out the Activation Request Form and click Submit. 
   If you're working with a migration specialist, they may be purchasing the license for your project. 
   If that is the case, please include the email address of the person you're working with in the 'What tools do you need for this migration' section so we can identify the correct tenant/license.
   Check 'My organization authorizes the purchase of...' option. 
   Paste the Activation Code you copied to your clipboard in step 1.
   It should be pasted in the What is your activation request code 
text box.

4.  You will be advised when your license has been activated on our license server.

5.  To activate the software on your machine, you can close/relaunch UM, or go to the Activate tab and 3. Activate using the License Server (or manually)

It will now say License Activated (see above) and the tools you've requested will be available in the Backup and/or Restore section(s) of the application.

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