Financial Information does Not Always Backup from Caret Legal (Zola Suite)

Financial Information does Not Always Backup from Caret Legal (Zola Suite)

Due to bugs in Caret Legal (Zola Suite), financial information may not always back up.


When Universal Migrator backs up data from Caret Legal, it will run the Firm Data export.

This export can be manually run by going to:
1.  Profile Picture > Firm Settings

2.  Your Caret Legal Account > Export:

3.  Then clicking "Download Data":

If the Caret Legal page generates an error message, then financial information will not be available to your export.  An error message may look something like this:

Work Arounds

Below are a handful of workarounds that we've found effective.

Option 1:  Request that Caret Legal's support team create the export for you

Caret Legal's support team has the ability to create this export on your behalf.  You may contact them and request that they provide this export to you.
If they provide this export to you, proceed to Option 3.

Option 2:  Try again during non-peak hours.

We have found that (sometimes) running this export during off-peak hours (such as on Saturday afternoons) increases the chance that it will export correctly, however, this is not guaranteed and it still often errors out.
If you are able to download this export, proceed to Option 3.

Option 3: Enable Diagnostics and provide the ZIP file

When backing up data from Caret Legal, you have the option to provide a diagnostics cache folder:

If this location is specified, Universal Migrator will look for a file named in this location:

If that file exists, Universal Migrator will use that export instead of trying to fetch a new export from Caret Legal.

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