Cerenade Extractions: Pre-Extraction Database Optimizations
At one point in Cerenade's development history, it stored documents directly within its own database.
The Cerenade developers later migrated the documents to Azure storage, however, artifacts may still exist in customer databases who have been using Cerenade for a long time.
Because these artifacts can slow down the data extraction, we highly recommend purging them. To do so, run the following scripts:
- UPDATE CaseInsuranceClaimDocuments SET FileContent = null WHERE FileStorageLocationID = 3
- UPDATE OrganizationDocuments SET FileContent = null WHERE FileStorageLocationID = 3
- UPDATE ClientVisas SET FileContent = null WHERE FileStorageLocationID = 3
- UPDATE CaseUSCISReceipts SET FileContent = null WHERE FileStorageLocationID = 3
- UPDATE QuestionnaireDocuments SET FileContent = null WHERE FileStorageLocationID = 3
- UPDATE ClientCustomDocuments SET FileContent = null WHERE FileStorageLocationID = 3
- UPDATE ClientDocuments SET FileContent = null WHERE FileStorageLocationID = 3
- UPDATE CaseCustomReceipts SET FileContent = null WHERE FileStorageLocationID = 3
- UPDATE ClientI94s SET FileContent = null WHERE FileStorageLocationID = 3
- UPDATE InternalEmailDocuments SET FileContent = null WHERE FileStorageLocationID = 3
- UPDATE CaseDocuments SET FileContent = null WHERE FileStorageLocationID = 3
- UPDATE ClientPassports SET FileContent = null WHERE FileStorageLocationID = 3
- UPDATE ClientPictures SET FileContent = null WHERE FileStorageLocationID = 3
- UPDATE CaseHealthcareLogDocuments SET FileContent = null WHERE FileStorageLocationID = 3
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