Cloud Connection Types

Cloud Connection Types

When Universal Migrator connects to a cloud system, there are different ways it can do it.  The following information summaries the different kinds of connection methods and why/how you would use each one.

Browser Authentication

Browser Authentication use the application's published APIs for communicating with the system.

Bot-Clicker Authentication

Bot-Clicker Authentication simulates an automated web browser that clicks around on the website copies data out.

User Authentication

You provide Universal Migrator a username and password and it will log in to the application.

CSV Authentication

You provide Universal Migrator a CSV with usernames and passwords and it will log in to the application.  This is essentially a bulk User Authentication feature.

Access Token Authentication

Some systems, when you authenticate, they provide an access token.  This is a really long block of text that will let you log back in without re-entering a username and password.   Access tokens are great for re-authenticating to accounts that have two-factor authentication enabled.
Access tokens expire after a certain amount of time (it varies by system.)

Refresh Token Authentication

A refresh token is similar to an access token except they often change each time you use them.
Refresh tokens generally expire after each use and generate a new refresh token.

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