Other: Mass-Altering a Universal Database
The Universal Schema is Continuously Evolving
The Universal Database schema continually undergoes slight
modifications in order to continually upgrade the migration experience.
In most cases, these changes are minor and will not interrupt an in-progress
migration, however, sometimes you may need to make manual adjustments to a
legacy UM-database to make it compatible with the current version of the
Universal Migrator.
Identifying a Database that Needs Upgrading
If you are attempting to perform a migration and you get
messages such as:
- Invalid column name 'Final_DisplayOrder'
Invalid column name 'Final_Created_OnBehalfOf'
this means the schema has changed and you need to apply
manual adjustments to make the legacy database compatible with the current
version of the Universal Migrator.
Running a Mass-Alter Script
To perform a mass-alter script, run a command like the
exec sp_MSforeachtable '
--Notice that single quotes are put in twice.
alter table ? add Final_Created_OnBehalfOf nvarchar(MAX) default ''''
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