Perfect Law Cloud Extractions

Perfect Law Cloud Extractions

The Perfect Law cloud environment is locked down in a way that makes data backups take more work than necessary.  These instructions will help you gain access to your Perfect Law environment in a way that will assist in a data migration.

Connecting via RDP

The firm using Perfect Law will typically have two files like this:

Installing the RDP Certificate

Right-Click on the certificate and choose Install Certificate:

Choose Local Machine and then click Next 

In the dialog that appears, click:

  1. Place all certificates...
  2. Browse...
  3. Trusted Root...
  4. Ok
  5. Next

Click Finish:

Connect via RDP

Hold Windows Key+R and the Run dialog will appear.  Type Mstsc and click OK:

In the Remote Desktop Connection dialog that appears:

  1. Click Advanced
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click Use these RD...
  4. Type
  5. Click OK


Once connected to the server, Open Windows Explorer open F:\EDSISS\EDSISys.ini

In the file, search for ODBCdsn and you will see a section like this:

This represents the SQL Server login information.


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