Rocket Matter Migrations: Temporary Database Modifications

Rocket Matter Migrations: Temporary Database Modifications

Prior to the Migration

Prior to performing a migration, the following temporary indexes should be created:

  1. CREATE INDEX [__TO_DELETE_IX_Activities_MatterId_DeletedMatterId_InvoiceId_DateAndTime_C09AF] ON [Activities] ([MatterId], [DeletedMatterId], [InvoiceId],[DateAndTime])
  2. CREATE INDEX [__TO_DELETE_IX_Activities_MatterId_DeletedMatterId_InvoiceId_DateAndTime_FDEF4] ON [Activities] ([MatterId], [DeletedMatterId], [InvoiceId],[DateAndTime]) INCLUDE ([UserId], [BillableUnits], [ActivityTypeId], [Cost], [IsCredit], [IsLineItemOverride], [NonBillable], [IsTaxable])
  3. CREATE INDEX [__TO_DELETE_IX_Activities_DeletedMatterId_InvoiceId_MatterId_DateAndTime_42704] ON [Activities] ([DeletedMatterId], [InvoiceId],[MatterId], [DateAndTime])
  4. CREATE INDEX [__TO_DELETE_IX_Activities_CreatedDate_165B5] ON [Activities] ([CreatedDate])
  5. CREATE INDEX [__TO_DELETE_IX_Activities_DateAndTime_5E6C1] ON [Activities] ([DateAndTime]) INCLUDE ([UserId], [BillableUnits], [NonBillable])
  6. CREATE INDEX [__TO_DELETE_IX_CalendarEntriesUsers_ID_3EEB4] ON [CalendarEntriesUsers] ([ID])
  7. CREATE INDEX [__TO_DELETE_IX_CalendarEntriesUsers_BillForParticipant_C2457] ON [CalendarEntriesUsers] ([BillForParticipant]) INCLUDE ([NonBillableForParticipant])
  8. CREATE INDEX [__TO_DELETE_IX_IntegrationSyncItems_EntityNameId_EntityIntegrationId_5DF30] ON [IntegrationSyncItems] ([EntityNameId], [EntityIntegrationId]) INCLUDE ([EntityId], [UserIntegrationId], [DateCreated], [DateModified], [IsDeleted], [TenantId], [ChildSyncItemId])
  9. CREATE INDEX [__TO_DELETE_IX_IntegrationSyncItemSkippedAttendees_IntegrationSyncItemId_068CB] ON [IntegrationSyncItemSkippedAttendees] ([IntegrationSyncItemId])
  10. CREATE INDEX [__TO_DELETE_IX_PaymentsInvoices_AmountPaid_88346] ON [PaymentsInvoices] ([AmountPaid])
  11. CREATE INDEX [__TO_DELETE_IX_LedgerEntries_Amount_IsPaid_InvoiceId_0A67C] ON [LedgerEntries] ([Amount], [IsPaid],[InvoiceId])
  12. CREATE INDEX [__TO_DELETE_IX_LedgerEntries_IsCredit_8C111] ON [LedgerEntries] ([IsCredit]) INCLUDE ([Amount], [MatterId])
  13. CREATE INDEX [__TO_DELETE_IX_Activities_DeletedMatterId_InvoiceId_MatterId_DateAndTime_F5FD7] ON [Activities] ([DeletedMatterId], [InvoiceId],[MatterId], [DateAndTime]) INCLUDE ([UserId], [BillableUnits], [ActivityTypeId], [Cost], [IsCredit], [IsLineItemOverride], [NonBillable], [IsTaxable])
The following triggers should be disabled:
  1. DISABLE TRIGGER CalendarEntries_Tag_Update ON CalendarEntries
  2. DISABLE TRIGGER Activities_Tag_Update ON Activities
  3. DISABLE TRIGGER Documents_Tag_Update ON Documents

After the Migration

Delete the temporary indexes:

  2. schema_name(t.schema_id) + '.' + t.[name] AS table_view,
  3. i.[name] AS index_name,
  4. FORMATMESSAGE('DROP INDEX %s.%s',, AS drop_statement
  5. FROM
  6. sys.objects t
  8. sys.indexes i ON t.object_id = i.object_id
  10. SELECT col.[name] + ', '
  11. FROM sys.index_columns ic
  12. INNER JOIN sys.columns col ON ic.object_id = col.object_id
  13. AND ic.column_id = col.column_id
  14. WHERE ic.object_id = t.object_id
  15. AND ic.index_id = i.index_id
  16. ORDER BY col.column_id
  17. FOR XML PATH ('')) D (column_names)
  18. WHERE
  19. t.is_ms_shipped <> 1
  21. AND index_id > 0
  22. ORDER BY
  23. schema_name(t.schema_id) + '.' + t.[name],
  24. i.index_id

Re-Enable the relevant triggers

  1. ENABLE Trigger Activities_Tag_Update ON Activities
  2. ENABLE Trigger CalendarEntries_Tag_Update ON CalendarEntries
  3. ENABLE TRIGGER Documents_Tag_Update ON Documents

Batch-Update the activities.

  1. -- Update the Matters table with recent activity, pending invoicing, current balance, and pending taxes
  2. UPDATE m
  3. SET
  4. m.LastActivityDate = mra.RecentActivityDate,
  5. m.PendingInvoicing = ISNULL(p.Amount + p.TaxAmount, 0),
  6. m.CurrentBalance = ISNULL(mgb.Balance, 0),
  7. m.PendingTaxes = ISNULL(p.TaxAmount, 0)
  8. FROM
  9. Matters m
  11. Matters_RecentActivity mra ON m.Id = mra.MatterId
  13. Activities_PendingInvoicingByMatter p ON m.Id = p.MatterId
  15. Matters_GetWithBalances mgb ON m.Id = mgb.MatterId;

  16. -- Update the Clients table with trust balance
  17. UPDATE cl
  18. SET
  19. cl.TrustBalance = ISNULL(t.Balance, 0)
  20. FROM
  21. Clients cl
  23. ClientTrustAccountBalances t ON cl.Id = t.ClientId;

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