Smokeball Migrations: Performing a Data Verification

Smokeball Migrations: Performing a Data Verification

When migrating to Smokeball, you will have the opportunity to preview data prior to the import being performed.  When reviewing the data, you will receive multiple CSV files that represent the various pieces of data that will be imported.  The table below describes the function of each CSV file.

Import File Descriptions

CSV File Contents
SB-ActivityImport.csv Unbilled time and expense entries
SB-ContactImport.csv Contacts
SB-FileImport.csv Matter Documents
SB-EventImport.csv Matter Calendar Items
SB-ImportCheck.csv Contains your Smokeball import verification code
SB-InvoiceImport.csv Matter Invoices
SB-InvoiceItemImport.csv Billed time and expense entries
SB-MatterImport.csv Matters
SB-MemoImport.csv Matter Notes
SB-RelationshipImport.csv Matter <-> Contact Relationships
SB-StaffImport.csv Firm Staff Members
SB-TaskImport.csv Matter Tasks


Verifying & Cross-Referencing Data

When verifying data, you should ensure that records are properly associated together.  To do this, you will need to review data from multiple CSV files together.

For example, if you open the SB-MemoImport.csv, SB-MatterImport.csv, and SB-ContactImport.csv files you may see content similar to the following.


Example SB-MemoImport.csv

Example SB-MemoImport.csv External MatterID External MatterID
DEF10D29 AX2622CB12 Client said we should....
PLA5X792S DEC2386H9Q OC wants to meet....


Example SB-MatterImport.csv

External MatterID Matter Number / Reference Client ID
AX2622CB12 ABC.0001 HJD52S49GQ
DEC2386H9Q ABC.0002 HJD52S49GQ


Example SB-ContactImport.csv

External ID First Name Last Name Company
HJD52S49GQ     ABC Insurance
DTYH89S3 John John  


To ensure that the note that starts with "Client said we should..." is linked to the correct matter, you will look at the "External MatterID" for that record and realize that it is AX2622CB12.  You will then search for AX2622CB12 in SB-MatterImport.csv and ensure that the matter number is correct (ABC.0001).  Next you will realize that the Client ID is HJD52S49GQ.  You will then find the record in SB-ContactImport.csv with that "External ID" and ensure that it is the right contact (ABC Insurance).

Verifying Dates

When verifying date-sensitive records such as time entries, tasks, and calendar entries, you should pay particular attention to the dates provided.  All dates are displayed in the following format:

01/02/2003 14:15:00 -07:00

This format consists of three parts:  A date, a time, and a GMT time zone offset.

The example above represents the following date:
January 2, 2003 @ 2:15PM in a time zone that is 7:00 hours behind Greenwich London.

To ensure the correctness of dates and times, you should validate records that occur both before and after daylight savings time.




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