This article will walk you through deleting data from a system. This functionality is only available for select platforms and should be used with EXTREME CAUTION. Due to the inherent risk involved in deleting data from a customer's system we have put in place a number of "fences" to help ensure you can't unintentionally delete data.
In this article we will
You must first prepare the records you want to delete in the Universal Database. I will be using Contacts for this example, but the process is the same for any data.
First identify the records you wish to delete in your table.
Ensure those records have a Result_Id that matches the unique Id for that record in the system you're deleting from.
Update the Final_Status = 'Deleted'
After you've updated the rows you want to delete, the following query should return results simlar to the image below.
- Id,
- Result_Id,
- Final_Status
- __M_Contacts
- WHERE 1=1
- AND Final_Status = 'Deleted'
Each row I want to delete has a Result_Id and the status is set to 'Deleted'
Open Universal Migrator and click Delete on the left
Click on the platform you wish to delete data from, in this case MyCase
Click Next
Select the Universal Database you want to use
Click Production to authenticate to MyCase. A browser will open asking for your MyCase Username and Password.
After you've authenticated and selected the database to use, your screen should look similar to below. Take a moment to be CERTAIN you've selected the correct database and you've authenticated to the correct MyCase account.
Click Next
Select ONLY the data you intend to delete. In this case Contacts.
Universal Migrator asks you to confirm that you want to delete records by checking the 'Delete Deleted Records' check box.
Take a moment to pause and be certain you've set things up correctly before proceeding. Data is permanently deleted, so be extra cautious.
When you click Next, the deletion process with begin.
As records are deleted, the status area of Universal Migrator will indicate how many records have been deleted.
Below is a sample of how Universal Migrator marks records that it successfully deleted in SQL Server.
Any records that can't be deleted will also be marked. Some systems enforce data dependencies and won't let you delete a contact that has a matter associated with it (for example). Any records that can't be deleted will be marked with a description a to why it couldn't be deleted.
Below is an example message from the Status_Subject field for a contact that MyCase was not able to delete due to data dependencies.
"One or more errors occurred. (The company specified cannot be deleted.)"