Universal Migrator Update: 2025-02-25

Universal Migrator Update: 2025-02-25

If you have a Universal Backup database from a previous version of Universal Migrator, you will need to upgrade it by following the Delta Migration Procedure.

New Backup Tools

Universal Migrator now includes Backup options for the following applications:
  1. DLEX Backup
  2. Enterprise Address Book Backup
  3. Omega Backup
  4. LEAP (UK) Backup
  5. Liberate Backup
  6. Smokeball (UK) Backup
  7. Vimeo Backup
With this update, Universal Migrator now supports 2882+ migration paths.

New Features

Resumable In-Private Web Browser (PREVIEW)

When migrating law firms to/from web-based systems, securely managing login credentials and two-factor authentication processes used to be challenging.  In the past, migration specialists would be faced with either:
  1. Instruct the client to disable Two-Factor
    1. OR
  2. Use a secure in-private browser session
    1. But have to deal with repeated two-factor authentication codes being sent to the client's cell phone on each login
  3. OR
  4. Use a less-secure "standard" browser session
    1. And get the ease of use of only having to deal with two-factor once
The latest update to Universal Migrator introduces the concept of a Resumable In-Private Web Browser which combines the best of both options.  When leveraged, an isolated In-Private browser is created specific for that migration project which can be resumed even after the browser is exited.  This increases security for the firm and provides better ease-of-access for the migration specialist and the law firm.

Enhanced Tools

The following tools have been enhanced since the December 2024 update to Universal Migrator:
  1. Bill4Time Backup
  2. Calendly Backup
  3. Caret Legal Backup
  4. Centerbase Backup
  5. Clio Grow Backup
  6. Clio Manage Backup
  7. CosmoLex Backup
  8. Curo365 Backup
  9. EBillity Backup
  10. Egnyte Backup
  11. Filevine Backup
  12. iManage Cloud Backup
  13. Interbill Backup
  14. Lawcus Backup
  15. LeanLaw Backup
  16. Litify Backup
  17. Merus Case Backup
  18. Microsoft Dynamics Backup
  19. NEOS Backup
  20. NetDocuments Backup
  21. RocketMatter NextGen Backup
  22. RocketMatter Classic Backup
  23. SharePoint Backup
  24. Soluno Backup
  25. Tabs3 Billing Backup
  26. Time59 Backup
  27. Zola Suite Backup

Renamed Tables

The following tables in the Universal Database have been renamed for consistency with other database tables:
Old Table Name
New Table Name

If you are doing a delta migration from an older Universal Backup, you should rename the old table to have the new table name prior to running the delta script.

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