Creating a System Command Prompt
For some advanced processes you may need to run a command prompt as the System user account.
These instructions will guide you through this process.
Creating a System Command Prompt
- Download PSTools from:
and unzip it to C:\PSTOOLS\

- Press WINDOWSKEY+R and run one of the following commands:

For the "System" user:
- C:\PSTOOLS\PSEXEC -i -u "NT AUTHORITY\System" cmd.exe
For the "Network Service" user:
- C:\PSTOOLS\PSEXEC -i -u "NT AUTHORITY\Network Service" cmd.exe
Once you run the commands, two command prompts will launch - one of which you will be able to type into. Once the new command prompt launches, run the following command to ensure you are connected as the appropriate user:
- WhoAmI

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