Set a Default Folder for Documents
--The following script will place all documents that are directly in a root folder inside of a subfolder. UPDATE __M_Documents_Digital_Files SET --Change this to be whatever subfolder we want it to be. Final_FolderName = '\Unfiled\' WHERE ...
Prioritize documents for Active (Open) Matters
--Prioritize documents for Active (Open) Matters UPDATE __M_Documents_Digital_Files SET Batch_Group = -100 FROM __M_Documents_Digital_Files V1, __M_Matters V2 WHERE 1=1 AND V1.Final_Parent_Id = V2.Id AND V1.Final_Parent_Type = '__M_Matters' AND ...
Synthesize: Missing Document Categories for Documents
The following script will synthesize document categories for invalid Final_DocumentCategory_Id values on documents. -- Some documents are linked to categories that no longer exist. -- Create dummy document categories based on these values. INSERT ...
Synthesize Missing Matters for Documents
Some systems only allow documents to be linked to matters. These scripts will allow you to restore data into these systems. When Matters No Longer Exist The following script with synthesize matters for document related to matters that no longer ...
Prioritizing documents based on different criteria
The following scripts provide examples that can be modified to apply different priorities to documents. Prioritize Large/Small Documents If you are restoring into a system that has different action limits at different times, this can help you ...
Prepending the Document Category to the Path
Some systems support Document Categories and others support Folders. The SQL Script below will prepend the document category into the folder path. --When a document has a category, prepend the folder with the document category. UPDATE ...