04 - Requesting a Migration Workstation

04 - Requesting a Migration Workstation

When you are doing a migration from an on-premise application, you will need the firm's IT provider to set up a migration workstation for you.

After you have been introduced to a firm's IT department, we recommend sending them an email similar to the following to request a migration workstation:

Hi {Person},
Nice to meet you!

I need you to set up a computer just like this:

Can you make that happen?

The software that we use has very specific hardware and configuration requirements so I need you to make things are set up exactly as the article above says otherwise we might need you to reprovision it.

There are a few things I want to point out:
1.  The PC listed *MUST NOT EVER* have been attached to an Active Directory domain.  If it is, it will need to be wiped and reprovisioned.  (When we access documents across the network we may use a domain account but we'll do it from the non-domain device.)
2.  There are specs listed for two different firm sizes.  You should use the {PICK ONE: Standard Specs OR Enterprise Specs} option.
3.  If you don't have a PC with the specs above, you may need to buy one or get a loaner device.  Lots of firms buy one for the migration and once it is done, they wipe it and give it to their favorite attorney/paralegal/office manager as a PC upgrade.
4.  If you have a PC with specs that are close to the above, please grab a time on my calendar when we can review and I may be able to request a spec waiver.
5.  At the end of the article are instructions on the software that needs to be set up.  Please make sure everything is set up exactly as listed.

If you have any questions, please grab a time with me to discuss.

Thanks so much!

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